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IU psychologist discusses breaking habits, bringing joy into daily life

IU psychologist discusses challenging old habits

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — We can all get into habits that affect our mental health. Psychology suggests that examining these habits and breaking our routines can lead to more joy and positivity.

Dr. Danielle Henderson, a clinical psychologist from IU Health, joined News 8 at Daybreak Saturday to discuss how to break these habits and bring joy back into daily life.

Henderson first breaks down habituation, or “what our brains do when we become accustomed to things that we may have been exposed to over a period of time.”

“So, things that might have been fresh and new at the beginning, our brain learns to adapt and maybe not notice those types of things,” she said.

She says that ways people could challenge these habits could be as simple as taking a different route to work or recognizing sensory information around you.

She also encourages people to regularly invite more “firsts” into our lives.

Watch the full interview above to learn more.