Last full week of General Assembly begins

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) —  Monday is the last full week of the General Assembly begins at the statehouse.

Road funding is the major issue that lawmakers will be discussing. The House and Senate will try to come to a compromise on a short-term road funding plan.

Both the House and the Senate have their own plans for road funding. The Senate proposal uses part of the state surplus and other sources to create a short term fix for road concerns.  It replaces the House version that includes hikes in the gas tax and the cigarette tax. That bill that was meant to be a long term fix. Lawmakers plan on taking up the long-term fix again next year.

The senate bill doesn’t have tax hikes, it does have new fees for hybrid and electric car owners. The conference committee will meet at 9 a.m. Monday.

So far Governor Mike Pence has signed three bills into law including two measures that prevent the 2014-2015 ISTEP scores from damaging teacher and school evaluations, and another that unseals adoption records in Indiana.