Indianapolis leaders unveil 5-year plan to end homelessness

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — An Indianapolis coalition has unveiled a five-year plan to end homelessness in the city.

The Coalition for Homelessness Intervention and Prevention (CHIP) and the Indianapolis Continuum of Care released the plan on Thursday. 

The plan includes increasing availability of safe and supportive housing, as well as expanding services that would help create stability and prevent returns to homelessness. They also identified populations that experience the highest rates of homelessness — those who are chronically homeless, veterans, youth and young adults and families — and have created population-specific plans for them.

The overall goal is to make sure no one spends more than 30 days without a permanent and affordable place to live.

“Most people needs temporary assistance, and once they get back on their feet, they’re perfectly OK. And that has to be sort of our focus, is, how do we broadly address homelessness in our community through temporary and long-term rental assistance?” said Allan Witchey, the executive director at CHIP.

CHIP said it could potential get funding through developers, subsidies from the federal government and philanthropic efforts.