Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana in need of donations

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana in need of donations

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Many nonprofit groups are experiencing the effects of COVID-19.

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana (RMHCCIN) is one that has been affected. Donations are down and the organization has suspended their volunteer program amid social distancing.

Director of Operations Shelly Cates says the charity is working with a bare bones staff to provide a place to stay for families of critically ill children in local hospitals.

“These children need life saving treatments that can’t stop,” said Cates.

The organization’s biggest need right now is getting meals to the more than 30 families still in their care.

“Definitely stressed, you see it on their faces. No matter how bad we think we have it, having a child who is critically ill at this time in addition to everything else is devastating,” Cates said.

The organization says one way of donating while social distancing is ordering delivery or take out to the house.

“This also supports local restaurants,” Cates pointed out.

RMHCCIN is also accepting ready to made meals from the grocery store and has even created an Amazon wish list of products they need like snacks and cleaning supplies.

If you’re looking for something to do with friends virtually, Cates encourages getting creative by hosting your own fundraiser. Proceeds raised can be donated online to the Ronald McDonald House of Central Indiana Relief Fund.

Those interested in delivering or dropping off food should first contact Marci Corbin at or 317.267.0605.

To hear more about what the organization needs and how to help, click on the video.