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Desired books in Marion County schools reflect Indianapolis’ diversity

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Improving inclusion for reading in schools has been part of the mission for Teachers’ Treasures’ Global Language Library.

Inclusion is a vital tool to help teachers showcase the diversity of their classrooms via their bookshelves.

Teachers’ Treasures is a charity that obtains and distributes school supplies free to Marion County teachers of students in need. The nonprofit first rolled out its Global Language Library in September and has given out more than 6,000 books.

Teachers’ Treasurers is hoping donations will help restock the bookshelves. Hanna Yaeger-Busch, director of community engagement with Teachers’ Treasures, said, “We are finding that they are all flying off the shelves because our schools are just wildly international places right now.”

Many schools start new years in July, and Teachers’ Treasures is preparing to kick off its big fundraiser, the Gr8 Paper Push, in partnership with WISH-TV. Spanish-language books are one of the most requested, but the languages run the spectrum and include Creole, Swahili, Mandarin and German.

Marion County has kids coming in from all corners of the world who are transitioning to school in the United States, and teachers say it’s important that they see themselves and their native languages in their education. Plus, teachers play a major role in making classrooms feel welcoming.

Yaeger-Busch said, “Indianapolis is growing by leaps and bounds on the international stage, and our students are coming from all over the world, and some of them are coming in situations that aren’t fabulous.”

“What do students need not only to be academically successful but to see things in their own languages and reflect their unique cultures? Studies have shown that students who are seeing themselves in literacy do better both emotionally, both with their grades.”

Teachers’ Treasures estimates educators will spend on average $1,200 a year of their own money to meet classroom needs. Yaeger-Busch said, “That’s where Teachers’ Treasures comes in, because we believe that no teachers should be spending their own money to support their classrooms and no students should go without the supplies. They need to be academically and emotionally successful in the classroom.”