New GOP ad labels Bayh a “sellout”
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Republicans have targeted Democratic Senate candidate Evan Bayh with tough new ads that accuse him of being a “sellout.”
Monday we learned about how much money Bayh made since he left the Senate six years ago through documents filed with the Senate Ethics Committee. He earned over $6 million since the beginning of 2015.
Senate Republicans also labeled him “Bailout Bayh” in the ad that spells out some of those numbers. It hits the air on Wednesday.
It’s the most negative ad yet in a campaign that has been a rough one ever since Bayh stepped into the race in July.
“After voting for the Wall Street bailout Evan Bayh left the Senate,” says the ad. “Months later he cashed in joining the board of a bank that got billions from Bayh’s bailout.”
In the meantime, Republican Todd Young, who had been on the fence about supporting Donald Trump, told the Washington Post Tuesday that he intends to support the GOP nominee.
It happened as Democratic leaders called on Indiana Republicans to denouce the GOP nominee and that’s been the strategy of Bayh and his allies, to change the subject to Donald Trump.
“This isn’t just about Todd Young,” said State Democratic Chairman John Zody, “although Todd Young has said he’s reconsidering support of Donald Trump. He’s been the worst of all in his equivocation here.”