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New study suggests 3-dose Pfizer series is no match for omicron

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – In an alarming new study, Israeli scientists found that three jabs of the Pfizer vaccine may be no match for omicron. 

Scientists at Sheba Medical Center — a hospital affiliate of Tel Aviv University — found the two-dose series of the mRNA vaccine plus a booster is four times less effective against the mutation compared to the delta variant. The weak response, health officials say, may indicate that more boosters are needed.

“There have been a few well-defined, well-characterized outbreaks with omicron, so it does seem to be very highly contagious,” Dr. Christopher Doehring, vice president of medical affairs at Franciscan Health, told News 8. “But whether the vaccines we have versus what’s being used in other parts of the world … whether the booster we’re using and the timing of those third shots — all those different things will certainly have an impact on what level of protection our population has in the United States.”

In the lab study, 40 patient blood samples were assessed. Twenty had their Pfizer shot series, but had not been boosted. The other 20 had their two-dose series plus their booster within the previous month. Results showed both samples fell short of developing antibodies against the virus. The neutralizing effect was also limited.

As of now, omicron hasn’t taken hold in the U.S. But that could quickly change. Doehring says it’s important to keep a close watch as more details emerge.