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Park officials call requested fee for abortion-rights protest a misunderstanding

INDIANPOLIS (WISH) — Noah Thomas, a junior at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, knows the drill when it comes to holding protests, having done several abortion-rights protests over the last couple of months.

“Let the park or, publicly wherever it is, you let them know, just as a courtesy, hey we’re going to have a protest here, it’s going to be peaceful. Just wanted to let you know, in case something happens we didn’t want to blindside you,” Thomas said of the typical protocol for hosting a protest.

When Thomas reached out to the White River State Park about holding a protest at Military Park, he said it was a different situation.

“That’s our first amendment right to be there right? If we’re on that sidewalk? And she said, yeah, but that’s kind of grey area because we need money to upkeep the park and this sounds like an organized event. And once I mentioned there might be some politicians there she said, oh yea this is definitely an organized event and we’re going to have to charge you $1,500 to rent out a corner of the park,” Thomas said.

Thomas says he understands the need to charge for park upkeep, but he argues a protest is not the same as other events.

“If it was a birthday party or some kind of concert you know that’s understandable, but this is a protest. It’s our first amendment right as citizens of the United States. It’s a right we are granted, so it’s a little different, and it was very disappointing,” Thomas said.

We reached out the director of outdoor special events at White River State Park who says they do rent out green space for events, but this was a misunderstanding and the issue has been resolved. Thomas doesn’t feel like it was just a misunderstanding.

“She’s doing her job, and I respect that, everyone has to a job in life. It may have been a perfect misunderstanding. I don’t think it was. She knew it was a protest. I mentioned it multiple times,” Thomas said.

Thomas says the protest will happen at Military Park Aug. 26th at 4 p.m.