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‘I hope he gets in:’ Greg Pence talks potential Mike Pence 2024 run

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — U.S. Rep. Greg Pence on Friday said he’s been “begging” his younger brother, the former vice president and Indiana governor, to run for president next year.

In a wide-ranging interview for “All INdiana Politics,” the congressman said Mike Pence would be a good choice to bring conservative Christian values back to the forefront of the Republican Party. If elected, he said the former vice president would be able to assemble a “phenomenal” cabinet due to his extensive Washington contacts. Additionally, the congressman said he would love to see his brother debate former President Donald Trump, though he added he does not bear the former president any ill will.

“I wish (an announcement) was last month, so the sooner the better,” he said when asked when voters might expect a decision from the former vice president. “I hope he gets in.”

Pence said he didn’t think voters would reject his brother out of hand. He said he believes Republican voters are ready to move on from the Trump era.

“I’m not alone in thinking it’s time to take a different path, it’s time to look ahead and not backwards,” he said.

Congressman Pence also said he was optimistic a budget deal would be reached before the federal government defaulted on its debt, something the Federal Reserve warns could happen as early as June 1. His comments came before a top House budget negotiator announced late Friday morning budget talks were at a standstill and were being paused. Pence said members of Congress could have a deal to vote on as early as late next week. He said Hoosiers should not worry about losing access to federal services such as Social Security or veterans benefits.

“The Republicans have promised that we’re going to protect veterans. I won’t waver on that,” he said. “And Social Security, I don’t think that is going to be at risk in the short term. We do have to address it in the long term.”

Pence and fellow Indiana Rep. Larry Bucshon this week endorsed Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch in her bid for governor. Pence told News 8 he disagreed with the notion that he chose Crouch over Sen. Mike Braun. He said Crouch is a longtime friend and would continue a string of Republican governors, going back to Mitch Daniels, with preexisting experience in state government and politics.

All INdiana Politics” airs at 9:30 a.m. Sunday on WISH-TV.