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Ted Cruz draws a large crowd to Shapiro’s

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Ted Cruz scheduled a meet and greet at Shapiro’s Delicatessen in the 800 block of South Meridian Street Thursday afternoon and had to fight his way through a crowd to get a pastrami sandwich and a chance to eat it.

The crowd showed up despite being given just a few hours notice.

One of the people in it asked about his proposal for a 10 percent flat tax.

“And it’s a simple flat tax that’s the same for everyone,” he said. “You literally fill out your taxes on a postcard.”

As he worked his way toward the food counter, another asked about his battle for the GOP nomination against Donald Trump.

“You’ve got to have a real agenda,” he said.

He didn’t take questions from the media. And neither did his wife, Heidi, at a visit to a GOP call center in Martinsville.

Both stops were about voter contact and the Cruz message.

“We’ve got to strengthen and preserve social security,” he told AARP members in the crowd.

But despite the questions and the jostling, Cruz maintained good humor.

“Everyone here ought to order a sandwich,” he said at one point. “You know Shapiro’s got to pay the mortgage.”

And on the way out he even downplayed his differences with Donald Trump.

“And you know what? We both agree that Hillary’s not the right person to be President,” he said. “So we’ll see if in November, we end up on the same page.”

From Shapiro’s, Cruz headed to the governor’s residence for a private meeting with Mike Pence.

The governor is holding private sessions with all three remaining GOP candidates for President.