This is the Passover Seder, with each food representing an element of Jewish history. The food was prepared by Marlene Glanzman-Jacobs, the aunt of News 8 anchor Hanna Mordoh.
Here is what each food represents:
Zroa is a roasted bone that symbolizes the lamb that was roasted and eaten on the seder night in Temple days.
Baytzah is a roasted egg which represents eternal life and the renewal of life in springtime.
Maror is a bitter root which symbolizes the bitterness of slavery.
Charoses is a mixture of chopped nuts, apples and wine. It represents the mortar which the Jewish people used when they were slaves.
Karpas is parsley or any other green vegetable. It stands for hope.
Chazeres is ground horseradish which is eaten on matzo later in the seder.
Salt water represents the tears shed by the Jews while in captivity, which was set aside in a separate bowl.
(WISH Photo/Hanna Mordoh)