Day 2 of the ‘Butter’: Fine Arts Festival
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — It is the second day of the third annual “Butter“: Fine Arts Festival.
The New York Times called the event “a new model for economic justice in the arts.”
200 creatives and volunteers met at the Stutz to bring art to Indianapolis. “It’s one of the greatest experiences that indy has put together as far as putting the artists together in one building and actually giving them the work and the value that they deserve,” said Matthew Cooper.
Cooper is selling his paintings at Butter this weekend.
This is Cooper’s second year participating in the fine art fair. The goal of the show is to sell or loan 100% of the art and give all of the money back to the artists. “We hope we can get a sale we hope we can give our art work to someone who loves it and appreciates it like we do,” said Cooper.
“I’ve been working a long time for art and I never knew you can make money for this,” said Shane Young. For three years, Young has been selling his art at the fair, and said the money he has earned has changed his family’s life for the better
On its website GangGang, the organizers of “Butter” said they are “a cultural development and creative advocacy firm that works to center beauty, culture, and equity in systems and cities, testing new more equitable models with experiments like BUTTER.”
Curators are pleased with its success thus far. They said they have been selling $5,000 in tickets every hour. So far, they sold $200,000 in artwork.
“It brings what I think is the biggest mix of people of interests to walk of life to one space to experience beauty.”
The last day of the Butter Art Fair is Sunday. It will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets are $40.