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Kid-ing with Kayla: Speed cleaning before unexpected visitors

Kid-ing with Kayla: Last minute cleaning

We’ve all been there, the house is messy and someone just let you know they are on their way. Do you recruit the kids to help or just start speed cleaning?

For Kayla, she said convincing her four-year-old son to clean would take too much time. Instead, she starts at the sink.

In the satirical report, Kayla is seen hiding dirty dishes in the oven and microwave. Apparently, she’s not alone. Others commented they too will use this speed-cleaning tactic.

“The oven is a great hiding place,” commented Kevin Mizner on Instagram. “Until you pre-heat your dirty pots and pans because you forgot they were in there.”

Chad commented, “Thoughts and prayers are with you during this very trying time.”

Kayla continues to straighten up the house by throwing the clean laundry waiting to be folded on the couch in a basket in the laundry room. She said that history shows she will forget they are clean and accidentally rewash them because of this.

Kayla has previously reported forgetting about putting washed clothes in the dryer. This story went extremely viral as many people could relate to this unfortunate mistake. It got more than 2.5 million views.

Watch that video here!

“Watching this while rewashing a load,” commented Akolette on TikTok. “You’re not alone sister!” added Laura Crawford.

In Kayla’s recent report about speed cleaning, “authorities” were working to determine whether the house smelled! Kayla confirmed lighting as many candles as possible can help.

In a trendy basket where most people keep blankets, Kayla just threw all of her child’s toys inside.

At the end of the video, Kayla is seen closing her bathroom door claiming, “Lord only knows what that looks like!”

She’s hoping the unexpected visitors don’t have to use the restroom while they are there.

In conclusion, don’t be an unexpected visitor! It’s stressful. Back to you!