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Nerf wars disturbing southern Indiana community

On Dec. 4, 2018, in Nürnberg, Bavaria, Johannes (right) and Sergey demonstrate the NERF Laser OPs Pro Blaster from Hasbro Deutschland GmbH. (Photo by Nicolas Armer/picture alliance via Getty Images)

GREENDALE, Ind. (WISH) — Hey, kids, if you’re firing foam projectiles from your blaster in this southern Indiana town, please be courteous, police say.

The Greendale Police Department says Nerf wars have been happening all over the city of 4,300 and surrounding areas of Dearborn County. Greendale is a 30-minute drive west of downtown Cincinnati.

For those who’ve missed out on the fun, Nerf wars involve informal battles — outdoors, in basements, at the office, basically anywhere — with the foam-firing toys. Large, annual Nerf wars, with established rules and regulations, are a popular pastime in parts of the United States.

But, in Greendale, police are calling for some decorum. Multiple people have called the department complaining about teens armed with Nerf Blasters speeding in cars, disrupting traffic, trespassing on homeowners’ property, and just being “a disturbance to the community.”

“While we encourage the youth to have some fun, we would prefer that they do it in a manner that isn’t going to result in a life changing event for them or their family,” said a Facebook post from the department. “Our Officers will be watching and responding appropriately to every situation.”

On the Facebook post, Michelle Tackett wrote, “We were driving to work and saw a couple kids in greendale hiding and waiting to ambush outside someone’s house at 7am. It was hilarious. I wish I could’ve seen the whole thing.”

“Mayah Mayah” wrote, “And please tell your kids to keep their clothes on! I seen this teen on our street get out of his car in nothing but boxer shorts. My kids play out front and ‘teens having fun’ reving up their engines up and down the street several times and getting out of the cars practically naked is not the best method. Try walking and keep your clothes on. Ps- my kid took a picture of you in your undies.”

Police didn’t share whether they’ve had injuries or property damage after the foam projectiles have littered the city.

Meanwhile, the police asks parents to speak to their children about being safe and respectful while having fun.