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Using Data Science to Grow Your Business 

2024-05-12 – BE&O IF

More companies are using data science to track trends and find new customers. 

Lujia (Luke) Zhang, a Senior Data Scientist and Prototype Architect with Resultant, says companies can use data science to harness machine learning and even artificial intelligence. 

Zhang, a graduate of the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, works with data from Google to help state and federal government agencies to track trends and use data to improve services. He says data science is the art of collecting important information and using it to make a decision. He compares it to putting all of your cards on the table to clearly see which direction a business should pursue. 

Small businesses can use data science to gain an edge over their competition. Zhang shares how some businesses used data science during the COVID-19 epidemic. Many companies could use data to see a rise in the use of hand sanitizer and other goods. That data led to businesses jumping ahead of trends and increasing sales.  

Zhang, who moved to Indiana from China when he was only sixteen years old, says he loves living in Indiana, and he wants to see more local talent stay here after they graduate. “There are so many great things that happen here.”Zhang was recently awarded the TechPoint Resilience Award at the annual MIRA awards