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Indy Dog Whisperer: Grieving after the loss of a pet

Grieving after the loss of a pet

Losing a pet feels extremely sad. Pets are like family, always there with love and happiness.

There’s a big empty space in our hearts when they’re gone.

We miss their cuddles, their funny habits, and just having them around.

Remembering the good times hurts but also helps us feel close to them.

Grieving means letting ourselves feel sad and missing them while remembering how much they meant to us.

In a heartbreaking event on November 13, 2019, Fishers police K9 Harlej was tragically shot and killed while trying to catch a suspect.

Today, the Indy Dog Whisperer joined us to talk with Harlej’s handler and partner in law enforcement, Fishers police officer Jarred Koopman.

He shared his journey of grieving for Harlej, finding healing, and eventually welcoming a new canine partner named Rico into his life.

You can learn more about the Indy Dog Whisperer here.