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Tangram: Empowering individuals with disabilities

Tangram: Helping people with disabilities live, work and play

Founded in 1985, Tangram is a nonprofit organization in Indianapolis dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to achieve their fullest potential. Shannon Smith, VP of Community Initiatives, and Cara Edwards, Intake Manager, shared insights into the organization’s mission and programs.

Tangram provides a wide range of services for people with disabilities, including assistance in home settings, workplaces, and recreational activities. “Everyone is unique, so we develop strategies to help them live, work, and play in the places they want to,” Smith said.

One critical role at Tangram is the community resource professional (CRP), who works directly with individuals to support their independence. This can involve activities like attending Pacer games or helping with meals. “There’s a huge need for CRPs,” Smith noted, emphasizing the position’s demand and importance.

Cara Edwards highlighted the rewarding nature of the work. “It allows people to really feel like they’re making a difference in somebody’s life,” she said. Tangram focuses on developing essential skills and removing barriers to help individuals reach their potential.

The organization offers various programs tailored to individual needs, from young children to seniors. “We provide support in the community, at home, and across different age groups, ensuring personalized care,” Smith explained. Tangram’s nearly four decades of experience underscore its commitment to client-focused care and transparent communication.

Tangram encourages community involvement through volunteering and other support roles. “There are many ways for people to get involved and help individuals with disabilities,” Edwards said.

Reflecting on the organization’s impact, Smith noted, “We understand the importance of client-focused care and support both the individuals and their families.”

For more information on how to support Tangram’s mission, visit