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Speedway Art, Indianapolis Motor Speedway celebrates mural success

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A new mural is up celebrating the town of Speedway just 17 days out from the Indianapolis 500.

It’s called “The Spirit of Community.” It features four major elements: a checkered board flag, a race car from 1926, a town logo and a starburst. The mural is located on Main Street.

The Speedway Arts Council says the community has embraced the project.

“It was a unique and interesting way for them to leave part of themselves with the mural and that part of the mural will be preserved so they will always be able to reference I painted this section of the green stripe.” Chris Nusbaum said.

Doug Boles, president of Indianapolis Motor Speedway, said “This is really just a symbol of that relationship the town has with the IMS, and how we just celebrate being in this town and we love it when people come and visit us every May.”

The Speedway Arts Council believes the outpouring of community support will make murals like this more common.