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Tintype Portrait Day Reveal Day 2024

Tintype Portrait Day Reveal Day

Indianapolis photographer Dale Bernstein joined us to discuss the upcoming Tintype Portrait Day hosted by the Indy Arts Council.

Event Details:

  • Date: August 3
  • Location: Aurora PhotoCenter
  • Cost: $125 per person
  • Appointment: Required

Dale Bernstein has been working with the wet plate collodion process since the 1990s. His comfort level with this technique shows in the beautiful tintype portraits that have become his hallmark.

The wet plate collodion process dates back to the mid-1800s, from the earliest days of photography. Back then, the chemistry and materials were not very sensitive, so subjects had to sit absolutely still for several seconds to get a good, sharp exposure. This is why people didn’t smile in pictures from that era – it was too hard to hold a smile for that long.

Dale combines wet plate collodion chemistry with modern flash lighting, making the exposure time of his tintypes possible for children and smiles. After taking the exposure, Dale walks you through processing the plate so you can experience the process.

To schedule a session on Tintype Portrait Day at Aurora PhotoCenter, make an appointment directly with Dale by messaging him on Instagram @dab_photography, or email

Each appointment lasts approximately 15 minutes. The price per person includes one exposure on a 5 x 7 plate. After curing and varnishing, you can pick up your finished tintype at Aurora PhotoCenter on August 3 from 11-5 pm or by appointment. Visit the website for tickets.