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Monday’s business headlines

Monday’s Business Headlines 06/17/24

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Here is a look at Monday’s business headlines with Jane King.

Heat wave could stress electric grids

The season’s first heat wave stretching from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean is set to raise electricity demand and slow transportation networks.

Electric grids and wholesale prices will be stressed as demand rises with the temperatures. Trains may have to run slower, tying up freight and passenger traffic, if tracks warp from getting too warm.

Younger people are using travel agents more

Travel is still going strong years after pandemic closures. But there are also more flight delays and technical issues prompting some to rely on travel agents.

In a 2023 survey of 2,000 American travelers, 38% of Gen Z and Millennial respondents said they preferred a traditional travel agent over online booking.

Millennials cited travel as one of their most important goals for the next five years, according to a Business Insider survey, in collaboration with YouGov.

Fewer businesses offering ‘Summer Fridays’

Eleven percent of workers say their companies are offering the option of summer Fridays this year, a drastic decline from the 55% of organizations that provided the option in 2019.

Gartner says one possible reason could be companies have other flexible work options such as work-from-home Fridays.

Forty-one percent of workers would want a four-day work week or full summer Fridays off, according to a June 2023 Monster Survey of 523 people.

Wild hogs are causing destruction across U.S.

Wild hogs are causing widespread destruction across at least 35 states in the U.S. These invasive animals, first brought to Florida by Spanish settlers in the 1500s, are responsible for significant agricultural damage, garden destruction, and, in some cases, attacks on humans.

Statistics show that wild hogs kill more people annually than sharks.

Kentucky, Tennessee and Washington have already banned possession of these animals. Ohio is considering legislation that would allow landowners to shoot the feral swine without a license.

McDonald’s removing order kiosks at some locations

McDonald’s is removing its kiosks from over 100 restaurants. Videos showing problems with the technology at McDonald’s drive-thru’s went viral in 2023.

Some customers suggested that the technology messed up their orders, causing frustration and annoyance.