I Love To Read: ‘Too Much: A Guide to Breaking the Cycle of High-Functioning Codependency’ by Terri Cole

12-17-24 All Indiana I Love to Read

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) – Licensed Psychotherapist and Boundary Expert Terri Cole is shining a light on a growing issue in her new book, “Too Much: A Guide to Breaking the Cycle of High-Functioning Codependency.” In it, Cole introduces the concept of ‘high functioning codependency,’ a pattern she coined after years of working with clients who exhibited codependent behaviors but didn’t fit the traditional mold.

In her practice, Cole found that while many of her clients exhibited signs of codependency, rejected the diagnosis because they didn’t see themselves as dependent on others. Instead, they felt everyone was dependent on them. These women often struggled with over-giving, over-functioning and eventual burnout without recognizing the signs of codependency.

To help readers understand and break free from this pattern, Cole suggests starting with a simple but effective tool: a ‘resentment inventory.’ Cole states that if you find yourself resenting your over-functioning, that’s a clue that you may be trapped in a codependent dynamic. It’s important to pause and check in with yourself to avoid feeling resentful while helping others.

Cole advises individuals to ask themselves two questions before agreeing to any request: Do I have the capacity to do this without resentment? And, do I even want to do this?

She stresses that the key to recovery from high-functioning codependency is learning to tune into your emotions and setting boundaries.

Cole’s book also encourages readers to let go of perfectionism and embrace the messiness of life.

The book has gained significant attention, including praise from high-profile figures like Ariana Grande.

“Too Much: A Guide to Breaking the Cycle of High-Functioning Codependency” is now available, offering guidance for anyone struggling with over-giving, people-pleasing or perfectionism. For more information, visit terricole.com.