ISP: Search for Marina Boelter continues in Greene County

GREENE COUNTY, Ind. (WTHI) – Over the past month, local and state officials along with volunteers have conducted three searches for Marina Boelter who has been missing since New Year’s Eve of 2014.

Those involved in the searches have included Indiana State Police, Greene County Prosecutor’s Office, Vigo County Search and Rescue Team and volunteers from the community.

Indiana State Police Sgt. Curt Durnil stated volunteers have come as far away as Kentucky and Wisconsin with K-9 to search for Boelter. Members of the Mineral United Methodist Church also invited all law enforcement and search party members to utilize their facilities for the duration of their stay.

This weekend they searched the area near Bloomfield including woods, fields and wells. Not only were K-9’s used during this search but also drones.

“The Vigo County Search & Rescue Team is a very professional, well organized and highly trained group,” explained Detective Brad Stille. “I hope to be utilizing their services in the future as we continue to search for Marina.”

Detectives and Troopers are still following up on leads and information regarding this case. Please call 812-332-4411 and speak to the Post Commander or contact ISP Bloomington via Facebook (Curt Durnil, Indiana State Police or Twitter @ISPBloomington) with any new information.

Tips can remain anonymous.