DNA technique solves 29-year-old attempted murder case

A model of DNA. (Provided Image/National Institutes of Health National Human Genome Research Institute)

SCOTTSBURG, Ind. (WISH) — DNA helped investigators find a suspect in a 29-year-old attempted murder case, the Indiana State Police said Friday.

A technique compared DNA collected in August from a family member of the suspect with evidence investigators found. A match solved the case.

Indiana State Police and the Scott County Sheriff’s Office used the technique to find a suspect in the investigation of an attempted murder, assault, and robbery in May 1995 at a rural Scott County residence. The suspect, who died in 2003, was in his early 30s when the crime happened.

Additional details about the victim, and when and where the crimes happened were not shared in a Friday news release from state police.

State police say the name of the suspect won’t be shared publicly because criminal charges will not be filed.

New DNA techniques have led to the conclusion of years-old cases in recent months in Indiana.