Doctor: Well-being turning into career industry

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Many people have been putting their well-being ahead of their career performance since the pandemic.

High-Performance Neuro Socio Psychologist, Dr. Conor Hogan, joined All Indiana Thursday afternoon. He says well-being will be an actual industry that people will pursue in careers.

“There’s such an amount of money in this industry already. To be quite honest, there’s actually 450 billion of US spend. That’s huge, right? If we got that in our pockets, we’d be absolutely delighted or even just a tiny little bit of it. The most important part of this little bit of research that I did on this is that the industry is growing by 5% annually. That’s the system,” he said.

You can learn more about Dr. Hogan’s work by watching the video above and checking out his book, “The Gym Upstairs: The Neuroscientific Secrets Of Future Champions.”