John Gregg promises to avoid social issues

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Democrat John Gregg likes to point out that he is facing his second opponent in the race for governor since Eric Holcomb replaced Mike Pence on the ballot. Yet Gregg is still challenging the social agenda pursued by Pence.

Gregg delivered a formal address to the downtown Kiwanis Club at the Skyline Club Friday. It was a chance to address members of the business community where Republicans tend to dominate.

But Gregg began his remarks by pointing out that his running mate, state Representative Christina Hale (D-Indianapolis) used to work for Kiwanis International.

He encouraged the group to ignore party labels and he said that the most important issue is the economy.

“I won’t waste my time or yours in advancing any personal ideology that I may have, or my political career,” he said. “We’ve seen too much of that in recent times. It hurts our state from a leadership standpoint and it hurts it from an economic standpoint and it affects our future.”

He elaborated on the reasons for his position following the speech.

“The very first thing my opponent said when asked about RFRA, he said that the governor had struck a good point,” he said, “and all I hear from business people is that we’ve got to be a welcoming community.”

Polls show Gregg with a lead over Holcomb at this point but he knows it will be a close race.

He also knows that he needs Republicans to vote for him if he’s going to win in November.

He said that at least two members of the Kiwanis Club told him that they voted against him four years ago but plan to vote for him this year.