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CICOA needs volunteers to help seniors and people with disabilities

Supporting seniors in central Indiana with CICOA

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The start of summer brings sunshine, cookouts, and outdoor fun. However, this season can be isolating for older people. CICOA Aging and In-Home Solutions is a non-profit that needs volunteers to help seniors and people with disabilities.

Michael Johnson, chief financial officer for CICOA, joined Daybreak on Thursday.

“We basically help those who are aged 60 or over. But also anyone of any age that has a disability, try to stay in their home with as much independence and dignity as possible,” Johnson said.

Johnson says they need several types of volunteers.

      Senior Buddies:

  • Call or visit a senior on a regular basis to check in with them and have a brief conversation. 
  • Senior Buddies are also needed to accompany seniors to the store or appointments.
  • Social connection improves both mental and physical health.

     Produce for Better Health: 

  • Distribute boxes of produce at a meal site twice per month (during lunch times)
  • Assist clients with monthly weight and blood pressure checks (no medical background needed).

    Pet Connect:

  • Pick up pet food and supplies from CICOA partner pantries and deliver them to homebound seniors and their pets.

Johnson says while CICOA doesn’t have the storage space for food or item collections, monetary contributions are always welcome, so the organization can purchase what is needed.

To volunteer or donate visit CICOA’s website here.

People can also help the elderly or people with disabilities simply by being a friendly neighbor. 

“Just calling a senior or inviting them to participate in, maybe a cookout or maybe they like to make recipes themselves. So, invite them to make a meal to bring over, just connect with them – don’t forget about them. Some of the seniors, maybe they don’t have the transportation or the health to be able to get out. And so having some visit time would be really helpful as well,” Johnson said.

He also encourages people to help neighbors with household tasks – clean off the porch or install handrails so they can safely sit outside and socialize. Johnson said offering rides to appointments or the grocery store can also be a benefit to older people and those with disabilities. 

If you or a loved one could benefit from CICOA, visit the website here or call 317-803- 6131.