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Feeling tired? You might lack vitamin D

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Feeling tired or run-down? The problem might be a lack of vitamin D.

Vitamin D does a lot more for the body than build strong bones, says Kaitlyn Wong, a registered dietician with Community Health Network. Research shows it may also encourage heart health, improve the symptoms of depression, and help fight the common cold.

People who don’t get enough vitamin D can develop a deficiency. Age, mobility, and skin color can contribute to the condition, as can certain medications and medical conditions.

A lack of vitamin D can lead to health issues, Wong says.

“We’re finding a link between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease, diabetes, and infections,” Wong said. “The research just continues to evolve, so there’s probably more that we don’t know. The best thing you can do is get checked and if you’re experiencing you know odd symptoms, why not see where you’re at.”

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include:

  • Back or bone pain
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle weakness, aches, or cramping
  • Mood changes, including depression

While sunlight can provide a boost of vitamin D, Wong says there are some foods that can also help.

“Some easy options you can think of include canned tuna, eggs–but especially the yolk,” Wong said. “Try fortified foods like orange juice and vitamin D milk, wild mushrooms, and salmon,” Wong said.

A vitamin D deficiency is often treated with vitamin D2 or D3 supplements, but Wong warns against starting any kind of supplement without talking to an expert and getting a blood test.

“I would talk to your doctor or your dietitian to get a baseline level first, because over supplementing with vitamin D is not beneficial. It can be toxic. You want to get a baseline and then you want to have recommendations from your provider of the best amount of vitamin D.”

Visit the Cleveland Clinic website for more information.