Activity ideas to celebrate Happiness Happens Month
August is Happiness Happens Month, and Girls Positivity Club founder Melissa Jones joined us Tuesday on “Life.Style.Live!” to share simple activities families you can do as a group or by yourself to help choose happiness in your daily life.
1) Make your happiness Visual – There are simple ways to combine happiness and creativity; creativity has been known to lead to more happiness.
- Happiness Windspinner – Take a piece of paper and some markers, and create a visual for all the good and happy things in your life. Then hang it on your front porch or in a bedroom as a creative reminder.
- Happiness Jar – Each family member chooses a happy moment of the day to place in a special jar or in another place to make it visual, like a bulletin board or paper on the fridge.
Making happiness visual is a sure way to help you notice all of the little things in life that bring you joy.
2) Move your body – Movement releases happiness chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. It also releases stress or negative feelings. Doing something active is a great way to increase not only your happiness but also the happiness of your family.
- Take a walk
- Stretch or do Yoga together
- Go for a family bike ride
- Jump on the trampoline
- Play catch
Let loose as a family and move in a fun way together. Everyone will be all smiles.
3) Learn Something New – There are endless possibilities for learning something new. You can learn as a family or have a time where everyone learns one new thing and teaches it to the family over dinner. You’ll be amazed at the happiness and connection it brings you and your family.
- Read or watch a YouTube tutorial about a topic of interest (drawing and painting tutorials are great for kids)
- Go to a pottery place for an afternoon
- Learn simple origami animals
- Go to a museum
- Try a new recipe
- Learn to hydro dipping
For more information, click here.