‘Walk & Talk’ tour guides visitors through ‘BUTTER 2’ art fair

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH)– As part of the second annual “BUTTER” Fine Art Fair, organizers, GangGang is giving visitors a chance to get educated. While more than 50 black visual artists from Indiana and across the country will have their talent on display, “BUTTER 2” is also highlighting the history that looms in the very space of the celebration of black art and culture.

Sampson Levingston, the host of “Through 2 Eyes Indiana” is giving art fans an opportunity to take part in his ‘Walk & Talk” tours and get a crash course in the history inside The Stutz building as well as Crispus Attucks High School and other historic venues that once occupied that space and put a spotlight on the black culture and community of Indianapolis.

“There’s so much black history, black excellence on display in this neighborhood and not just right now [but] for the past century and that’s what I can’t wait to tell everybody about,” Levingston said. “This is the 10th tour that I’ve built and this one feels so special.”

During his tours, Levingston is focusing on why black schools, churches and businesses disappeared decades ago and he’s also painting this picture to show the significance of welcoming Black art back in the neighborhood.

You can RSVP for Levingston’s “BUTTER” Walk & Talk tours HERE and get tickets for “BUTTER 2” HERE. The event is open to the public and taking place in three new locations along the south side of The Stutz factory building in downtown Indianapolis.

From organizers GangGang on the mission of “BUTTER”:

BUTTER employs an equitable and reparational process designed to benefit the artists—we do not require a fee for artists to participate nor do we take a commission on the sale of their work.