Author shares true story of unlikely friendship

It’s the story of an unlikely friendship that ultimately saved two lives. Author Kevin West joined Amber this morning to chat about his new book, “Angel in Aisle 3,” which takes us on the true-life journey of a mysterious vagrant, a convicted bank executive and the chance encounter that saved both of them.

I didn’t know at that time that I was going to become friends with this broken man and that we were going to spend almost every day together for the next two years. God had brought this unusual man to be my mentor.”

Through Kevin’s journey, he realized that we never sin in isolation. All of our wrongdoings affect the ones we love, and to varying degrees, even those we don’t know. Watch as Kevin explains his story and how his unlikely friendship with Don changed his life forever.

To learn more, visit KEVIN WEST:

Kevin West has recently served as executive pastor of Christ Temple Church in Huntington, West Virginia, and is now president of Kevin West Ministries and Expression Ministries Network. He speaks internationally and can be heard on his daily radio program, Real Life with Kevin West, now broadcast on thirty-four stations. His hour-long program, Morning Shift with Kevin West: Renewing Your Thoughts and Transforming Your Life, has nearly 1.4 million listeners. His website,, receives approximately 50,000 hits monthly. Kevin has appeared on Daystar Television Network (“Celebration”), Grace Television Network (“Encounter with Peter Youngren”), Chicago’s Christian Talk Radio (“180 with Karl Clauson”), and has been a guest host on West Virginia Talk Radio. He speaks frequently for the national and regional conferences for the Federation of Churches and Ministers International.