Pavel and Ivonne: Summer kitchen recipes

Summer Ceviche with Grilled Fish

Pavel and Ivonne joined us in the kitchen to share two perfect recipes for the summer: Summer Ceviche with grilled fish and a refreshing Herb Margarita.

Summer Ceviche with Grilled Fish

This dish features fresh, grilled fish mixed with lime juice, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and a touch of spice. It’s a light and flavorful meal, perfect for hot summer days.

Herb Margarita

To complement the ceviche, they showed us how to prepare an Herb Margarita. This refreshing cocktail blends tequila with fresh herbs, lime juice, and a bit of sweetness.

It’s a great drink to enjoy with friends or family during summer gatherings.

Tune in to see Pavel and Ivonne in action and learn how to make these delicious summer treats!