Celebrating National Puppy Day, Pet Poison Prevention Week with shelter dogs

Happy National Puppy Day! What’s a better way to celebrate than with a crate full of puppies!? Tom Dock of Noah’s Animal Hospitals had us covered with the four puppies he brought in. They’re all available for adoption through The Love Pet Project in Zionsville. Here’s more from Tom:

National Puppy Day is a day meant to help us remember those puppies that are in need of adoption or who may not have had the best start in life.

It’s also a great reminder that new owners should be prepared for their new arrival. Having the right food and treats, a proper place to stay (kennel), an abundance of toys and knowing what sort of veterinary care is needed are all essential before you bring your new family member home.

There are literally hundreds of foods to choose from in any pet store or grocery store aisle. Make sure you speak to your veterinarian or veterinary staff about the right type of food for your pup. If you have a large or giant breed puppy (over 70 lbs at adult weight), consider finding a food that is specially formulated for large and giant breeds.

While you are letting your veterinarian know about your new pet, ask about the appropriate vaccinations. Even if the shelter or breeder says that your puppy is “up to date” on vaccinations, that does not necessarily mean that your new friend is done with these vital immunizations. Ask your veterinary team what vaccines your pet needs and which ones are more optional based on your puppy’s anticipated lifestyle.

When at home, make sure you pick up all fecal material immediately and dispose of it in a safe place. Almost all puppies are born with roundworms or hookworms and these can be transmitted to other animals in the household as well as other members of the HUMAN family! Ask your veterinarian about the proper de-worming protocol.

Having a new puppy is like having a new toddler in your home…it will be important to “puppy proof” the house to keep him/her safe! As we observe National Pet Poison Prevention Week, here are a few tips to keep your canine and feline friends out of harm’s way.

First and foremost, keep all medications, human or pet, safely secured behind a closed door or up out of the reach of your pets. As will be listed later, human pain relief medications, pet pain relief medications, anti-anxiety drugs, anti-depressants, and Tylenol all rank in the Top Ten of most common pet poisons.

Second, keep the number of your veterinarian and the closest animal emergency room handy. When pets get into these deadly products, time is crucial! Don’t attempt to make your puppy vomit unless specifically told to do so by a veterinarian.

Finally, as you head out to the veterinarian, call either Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661 or the ASPCA’s Pet Poison Control at 888-426-4435. There is a fee associated with calling either number, so you will need a credit card. But, calling these places may just save you from needing to go to the ER!

Here’s a list of the top ten canine poisons from Pet Poison Helpline:

  • Chocolate
  • Mouse and Rat Poisons (rodenticides)
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Xylitol (sugar-free gum & more)
  • Grapes & Raisins
  • Antidepressant Medications
  • Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol)
  • Vitamin D Overdose
  • Stimulant Medications (e.g., for ADD/ADHD)
  • Fertilizers

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