Ice Melt vs. Rock Salt: what you need to know!

Ice Melt vs. Rock Salt: what you need to know!

Get ready for snow BEFORE it’s ready for us!

Matt Green, Green’s Lawncare, shares some of the differences between Ice Melt and Rock Salt and which might be best for YOUR driveway.

Ice Melt VS. Rock Salt – what do professional snow contractors use?
• We use a mixture of both. Each has it’s own role to play.
• Cracking in the pavement/concrete has been researched and experts do not associate potholes/ crack to salt/ice melt. It is more associated to the freezing/thawing of the pavement. Ice melt will dry out the pavement faster and has warming characteristics which is beneficial for pavement in the snow/ice conditions.
Ice Melt:
• Ice Melts typically are colored (pink, purple, blue) and spread on sidewalks (concrete) which helps visibility during icey conditions
• Not corrosive to sidewalks
Rock Salt:
• Much cheaper solution. Doesn’t really work well under 15 degrees.
• Very good solution for Pre-Treatment. Which we call pre-salt
• Has rocks in the material to help with traction.
• Salt mixed with water (snow or ice) will turn into brine. Brine is a salt-water solution that actually does the work.
Pre-Treat to prevent the snow from bonding to the sidewalk or pavement.

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