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60 stores for 60 years: Raising awareness for brain cancer

60 stories for 60 years: Raising awareness for breast cancer

Bertie and Bessie, two best friends since their college days, are gearing up for an exciting adventure as they approach their 60th birthdays.

They’re going on a special journey – visiting 60 TJMaxx stores across the country! But this isn’t just about shopping; it’s a meaningful trip born from tough times and strengthened by their friendship.

Years ago, both faced heartbreaking challenges – Bertie lost her soulmate, while Bessie’s son was diagnosed with brain cancer.

During those dark days, they found solace in each other’s company, realizing the importance of self-care amidst adversity.

Regular phone calls shared tears, and shopping trips became lifelines, reminding them of the resilience of the human spirit.

For Bertie and Bessie, TJMaxx holds a special significance.

Beyond just a store, it’s a sanctuary of self-care, where the simple act of browsing through racks brings joy and relief.

Their journey isn’t just about shopping; it’s a celebration of friendship, self-care, and resilience.

Bertie and Bessie aim to spread positivity and raise awareness about brain cancer and mental health.

They’ll be wearing touches of gray in honor of Brain Cancer Awareness Month and sharing their journey on social media to inspire others to prioritize well-being.

Through their epic road trip, Bertie and Bessie are not only celebrating life’s little joys but also the enduring power of friendship.

Join them on their journey and be a part of their mission to spread love, laughter, and awareness.