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Local partnership creates ‘Safe Place Program’ for youth

Celebrating National Safe Place Week

The Safe Place Program supports youth in crisis across the nation.

Imagine a young person, aged 10 to 17, facing a crisis. They may feel overwhelmed, scared, or uncertain about where to turn for help.

In their moment of need, they step into a designated Safe Place site—a local business or organization that has partnered with Adult & Child Health to offer sanctuary and assistance to youth in crisis.

With courage and vulnerability, the young person approaches a site employee and utters the simple yet powerful words: “I need help from Safe Place.”

Immediately, the site employee springs into action, offering comfort and reassurance to the distressed visitor.

They find a quiet, safe space for the youth to wait while they make a crucial call to Adult & Child Health, the licensed agency for the three counties.

Within the hour, a qualified Safe Place volunteer or an Adult & Child Health staff member arrives at the site, presenting their ID to verify their credentials.

They engage the youth in conversation, conducting an initial assessment to understand the nature of the crisis.

Based on this assessment, the Safe Place visitor is connected to a licensed Safe Place shelter or any other necessary resources.

Adult & Child Health collaborates with reputable shelters such as Firefly, Blossom House, and YSB Monroe, ensuring that young people receive the care and support they deserve.

Once at the shelter, trained staff members greet the youth with open arms, providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can begin to heal.

Whether it’s counseling, medical assistance, or simply a listening ear, the staff at Safe Place shelters go above and beyond to meet the individual needs of each young person.

Safe Place is committed to ensuring that both the youth and their families receive the help, resources, and professional services they need to navigate through the crisis and emerge stronger on the other side.

In essence, Safe Place is more than just a program—it’s a lifeline for youth in their darkest moments.

Thanks to the dedication and collaboration of organizations like Adult & Child Health and its community partners, countless young lives are saved, and brighter futures are made possible.