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Wild Wednesday with Silly Safaris: Armadillo

Wild Wednesday with Silly Safaris: Armadillo

Meerkat Mel from Silly Safaris joined us for another exciting WILD WEDNESDAY! This time, Mel brought in three different types of armadillos to show us how they vary in size, location, and skills.

The first armadillo Mel introduced was a nine-banded armadillo, known for its ability to roll into a ball to protect itself from predators. This type is commonly found in the southern United States and is medium-sized.

Next, Mel showed us a three-banded armadillo, which is much smaller and native to South America. Unlike the nine-banded armadillo, this one can completely enclose itself in its shell for protection.

The last armadillo was a giant armadillo, the largest of the three. Found in parts of South America, this impressive creature has large claws it uses for digging.

Mel explained how each armadillo has unique skills and adaptations that help them survive in their specific environments. It was fascinating to learn about these amazing animals and see the differences between them.

WILD WEDNESDAY with Meerkat Mel is always a fun and educational experience, and this week was no exception with the armadillos!